The polls are now open …What tutorials will the MLA Bibliography produce next? You tell us. We’re asking you to choose the topic you’d most like to see in a tutorial on searching the MLA International Bibliography in our poll. The top two vote-getters will be the next pair of tutorials we create. Voting will remain open for one week … may the best tutorials win.
Tag: tutorials
MLA Bibliography Search-Tutorial Videos
The MLA International Bibliography is pleased to announce the launch of our new video tutorial series on searching the Bibliography. Our first two installments are “What Is the MLA International Bibliography?” and “Names as Subjects in the MLA International Bibliography on EBSCO”. We plan on releasing a pair of new tutorials every few months from our list of potential topics. If you have a suggestion for a topic that you’d like to see covered in a tutorial, post it in our comments section, and we’ll add it to the list.
Please feel free to link to our tutorials, embed them in your syllabus or LibGuides, and share them with anyone who might find them useful. Happy searching!
“What Is the MLA International Bibliography?”
“Names as Subjects in the MLA International Bibliography on EBSCO”