New Tutorial: “What Is the MLA Directory of Periodicals?”

The MLA Bibliography announces the latest tutorial in our series on searching the bibliography: “What Is the MLA Directory of Periodicals?” Students, scholars and librarians, learn about the MLA Directory of Periodicals and how it can help you in your research or other work.

Please feel free to link to our tutorials or embed them in a syllabus or LibGuide. Happy searching!

You can find our search tutorial playlist on YouTube at

OR on our MLA Commons blog at

OR on the MLA website at

The MLA Bibliography announces the latest tutorial in our series on searching the bibliography: “What Is the MLA Directory of Periodicals?” Students, scholars and librarians, learn about the MLA Directory of Periodicals and how it can help you in your research or other work.

Please feel free to link to our tutorials or embed them in a syllabus or LibGuide. Happy searching!

You can find our complete search tutorial playlist on YouTube

OR on our MLA Commons blogĀ on the tab above

OR on the MLA website.

Catch Up on New Search Tutorials

If your summer was as busy as ours, you might have missed two new video tutorials we released recently:

Searching Scholarly Web Sites in the MLA International Bibliography on EBSCO: Learn how to search for Web sites and what they can add to your research experience.
Find it at

Keyword Search vs. Subject Search in the MLA International Bibliography on Gale: Learn the difference between a keyword search and a subject search in the Gale version of the MLA International Bibliography. See below.

New tutorials will be released every few months. If you have a suggestion for a topic that you’d like to see covered in a tutorial, post it in our comments section, and we’ll add it to the list.

You can find ALL our tutorials on our:
– YouTube channel
– MLA Commons blog,
– or from the MLA website

Please feel free to link to our tutorials, embed them in your syllabus or LibGuides, and share them with anyone who might find them useful. Happy searching!

If your summer was as busy as ours, you might have missed two new video tutorials we released recently:

Searching Scholarly Web Sites in the MLA International Bibliography on EBSCO: Learn how to search for Web sites and what they can add to your research experience.

Keyword Search vs. Subject Search in the MLA International Bibliography on Gale: Learn the difference between a keyword search and a subject search in the Gale version of the MLA International Bibliography.

New tutorials will be released every few months. If you have a suggestion for a topic that you’d like to see covered in a tutorial, post it in our comments section, and we’ll add it to the list.

You can find ALL our tutorials under the Tutorials tab in our blog’s header or on our
YouTube channel
– or the MLA website

Please feel free to link to our tutorials, embed them in your syllabus or LibGuides, and share them with anyone who might find them useful. Happy searching!

New Tutorial: Keyword Search vs. Subject Search on Gale

Here’s a tutorial for all our Gale users at long last: Keyword Search vs. Subject Search in the MLA International Bibliography on Gale. What’s the difference and what can each type if search do for you? Please feel free to link to our tutorials or embed them in a syllabus or LibGuide. Happy searching!

You can find all our search tutorial playlist (including some non-platform-specific tutorials) at

OR on our Commons blog at

OR on the MLA website at

Here’s a tutorial for all our Gale users at long last: Keyword Search vs. Subject Search in the MLA International Bibliography on Gale. What’s the difference and what can each type if search do for you? Please feel free to link to our tutorials or embed them in a syllabus or LibGuide. Happy searching!

You can find all our search tutorial playlist (including some non-platform-specific tutorials) at

OR on our Commons blog at

OR on the MLA website at


New Tutorial: Searching Scholarly Web Sites

Classes may be ending, but the Bibliography continues to work on its tutorial series on searching the MLA Bibliography. Here is our latest entry: “Searching Scholarly Web Sites in the MLA International Bibliography on EBSCO.”

Help your students find scholarly websites by searching in the Bibliography. Please feel free to link to our tutorials, embed them in your syllabus or LibGuides, and share them with anyone who might find them useful. You can find all our tutorials at our YouTube Page. Happy searching!


Latest Tutorial Video: Limiting by Publicaton Date

We’ve got a new tutorial for you in our ongoing series on searching the Bibliography: “How to Limit Searches by Publication Date in the MLA International Bibliography on EBSCO.”

This tutorial will demonstrate how to find the most recent publications on a topic and those published within particular time spans, using the EBSCO version of the MLA International Bibliography.

Please feel free to link to our tutorials, embed them in your syllabus or LibGuides, and share them with anyone who might find them useful.


TUTORIAL UPDATE: Our video tutorial “Keyword Search vs. Subject Search in the MLA International Bibliography on EBSCO” has a new URL. If you’ve linked to or embedded this tutorial, please update to the new link:

Keyword Search vs. Subject Search in the MLA International Bibliography on EBSCO

Our video tutorial “Keyword Search vs. Subject Search in the MLA International Bibliography on EBSCO” has a new URL. If you’ve linked to or embedded this tutorial, please update to the new link:

Keyword Search vs. Subject Search in the MLA International Bibliography on EBSCO

New Tutorial Video

It’s time for another video tutorial in our series on searching the MLA Bibliography: Searching the MLA International Bibliography versus Using the Library’s Home Page Search Function.

It’s available with captions on YouTube at

Our complete playlist is also on YouTube at

You can also find links to our other tutorials on the MLA Bibliography’s web page

It’s time for another video tutorial in our series on searching the MLA Bibliography: Searching the MLA International Bibliography versus Using the Library’s Home Page Search Function.

It’s available with captions on YouTube

Our complete playlist is also on YouTube

You can also find links to our other tutorials on the MLA Bibliography’s web page.

Teaching Tuesday

Teaching Tuesday: If you’re assigning research papers to your students on literature, film, folklore, or language, remember the MLA Bibliography is creating tutorials on how to search our database. We’ve made three so far: “What Is the MLA International Bibliography?”, “Names as Subjects in the MLA International Bibliography on EBSCO” and “on ProQuest” … plus we’ll have two more for you this fall. If you don’t want to miss a single tutorial, you can subscribe to them on our YouTube Channel. And, as always, we’ll announce them on Facebook.

MLA International Bibliography Tutorials
The MLA International Bibliography is pleased to announce the launch of a new video tutorial series on searching the bibliography.

Teaching Tuesday: If you’re assigning research papers to your students on literature, film, folklore, or language, remember the MLA Bibliography is creating tutorials on how to search our database. We’ve made three so far: “What Is the MLA International Bibliography?”, “Names as Subjects in the MLA International Bibliography on EBSCO” and “on ProQuest” … plus we’ll have two more for you this fall. If you don’t want to miss a single tutorial, you can subscribe to them on our YouTube Channel. And, as always, we’ll announce them on our blog.

MLA International Bibliography Tutorials
The MLA International Bibliography is pleased to announce the launch of a new video tutorial series on searching the bibliography.

For Our ProQuest Users

For all our ProQuest users, we’ve created a version of the “Names as Subjects” tutorial for you. A captioned version is available on our YouTube page at

Names as Subjects in the MLA Bibliography on ProQuest

For all our ProQuest users, we’ve created a version of our “Names as Subjects in the MLA International Bibliography” tutorial for you.