Website of the Week (WoW) #197: Academia Mexicana de la Lengua

Website of the Week (WoW) #197: Academia Mexicana de la Lengua.

Includes dictionaries and other reference works, audio and video interviews, a news feed, and access to the alpha version of CorDiAm (Corpus Diacrónico y Diatópico del Español de América), an online archive of transcriptions and critical editions of materials written in the Americas during the 15th to the 19th centuries..

Academia Mexicana de la Lengua
Este sitio web se encuentra en su versión “beta” , por lo que puede presentar erratas o funcionamientos erróneos. Agradeceremos sus comentarios, sugerencias y reportes en el siguiente formulario.

Includes dictionaries and other reference works, audio and video interviews, a news feed, and access to the alpha version of CorDiAm (Corpus Diacrónico y Diatópico del Español de América), an online archive of transcriptions and critical editions of materials written in the Americas during the 15th to the 19th centuries.