A searchable online collection of more than 1500 texts of Irish literature and history, including materials in English, Irish Gaelic, Latin, and German. Some materials are available in translation.
Tag: Irish literature
Visualizing Ulysses
Amanda Visconti blogs on a collaborative project begun at THATCamp Prime 2012 to create visualizations of the social network of characters in James Joyce’s Ulysses.
“Suppose there’s some connection”: Visualizing Character Interactions in Ulysses for Bloomsday 2013
Some new visualizations of character interactions in Ulysses, with thoughts on the online collaboration and visualization processes that produced them.
Amanda Visconti blogs on a collaborative project begun at THATCamp Prime 2012 to create visualizations of the social network of characters in James Joyce’s Ulysses.
“Suppose there’s some connection”: Visualizing Character Interactions in Ulysses for Bloomsday 2013
Some new visualizations of character interactions in Ulysses, with thoughts on the online collaboration and visualization processes that produced them.
Website of the Week (WoW) #112: The Life and Works of William Butler Yeats
Website of the Week (WoW) #112: The Life and Works of William Butler Yeats
The National Library of Ireland created this extraordinary online exhibition which you navigate as if you were at the in-person exhibit walking from room to room, approaching display cases and seeing how they’re arranged, and finally focusing in on a single object to learn more. Alternatively you can approach the exhibition by using the timeline feature or searching to find particular items of interest without “walking” the entire exhibit.
The Life and Works of William Butler Yeats – Online Exhibition
Website of the Week (WoW) #112: The Life and Works of William Butler Yeats
The National Library of Ireland created this extraordinary online exhibition which you navigate as if you were at the in-person exhibit walking from room to room, approaching display cases and seeing how they’re arranged, and finally focusing in on a single object to learn more. Alternatively you can approach the exhibition by using the timeline feature or searching to find particular items of interest without “walking” the entire exhibit.
The Life and Works of William Butler Yeats – Online Exhibition
Website of the Week (WoW) #94: Jonathan Swift Archive
Website of the Week (WoW) #94 Take a peek into this online archive for the poet, satirist, and political writer Jonathan Swift. All digitized works (some in various editions) are searchable and include…
Website of the Week (WoW) #94
Take a peek into this online archive for the poet, satirist, and political writer Jonathan Swift. All digitized works (some in various editions) are searchable and include an editorial introduction.
Jonathan Swift Archive
The archive is an electronic supplement to the printed Cambridge Works of Jonathan Swift, 18 vols. (Cambridge University Press, 2008-).