Website of the Week (WoW) #119: Melville’s Marginalia

Website of the Week (WoW) #119: Melville’s Marginalia

Have a virtual browse through Herman Melville’s bookshelves. Click on a book spine to see page images showing his annotations. What did Melville read and what did he find interesting enough to make a note about in the margins?

There’s also an introduction to Melville”s Marginalia in The New Testament and The Book of Psalms at

Melville’s Marginalia Online

Website of the Week (WoW) #119: Melville’s Marginalia

Have a virtual browse through Herman Melville’s bookshelves. Click on a book spine to see page images showing his annotations. What did Melville read and what did he find interesting enough to make a note about in the margins?

There’s also an introduction to Melville”s Marginalia in The New Testament and The Book of Psalms at

Melville’s Marginalia Online