Website of the Week (WoW) #200: I Remain: A Digital Archive of Letters, Manuscripts, and Ephemera

Digitized materials from Lehigh University Special Collections include items from the 15th through the 20th century, among them handbills, scrapbooks, contracts, deeds, manuscripts of literary works, and correspondence from major American and European writers, statesmen, philosophers, and scientists.

Each item is accompanied by a detailed annotation. The collection can be browsed by topic or author and searched by keyword, date, and document type. The majority of documents date from the 18th century forward. Some course assignments, transcriptions and translations are also featured.

Website of the Week (WoW) #192: Searchable Sea Literature

Website of the Week (WoW) #192: Searchable Sea Literature

Site contains peer-reviewed biographies as well as related audio and video on American authors of “works in which oceans, large rivers, or expansive lakes are critical to the story.”

It also contains a link to a “Searchable Sea Literature Google Books Library,” under construction.

Searchable Sea Literature
Welcome to Searchable Sea Literature, which is devoted to works by American authors, including fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and plays. ‘Literature of the sea’ or ‘maritime literature’ is here loosely defined as works in which oceans, large rivers, or expansive lakes are critical to the story. This l…

Site contains peer-reviewed biographies as well as related audio and video on American authors of “works in which oceans, large rivers, or expansive lakes are critical to the story.”

It also contains a link to a “Searchable Sea Literature Google Books Library,” under construction.

Website of the Week (WoW) #191: The Ralph Waldo Emerson Society

Website of the Week (WoW) #191: The Ralph Waldo Emerson Society

Website includes bibliographies of writings by and about Emerson and links to digital texts.

Digital Texts | The Ralph Waldo Emerson Society
Various interpretive sites are available: Eugene Irey’s concordance to the 1903-1904 Centenary Edition of Emerson’s Works is available at the Concord Free Public Library page. The concordance to The Later Lectures of Ralph Waldo Emerson is found on our legacy site: here. The textual notes to The Lat…

Website includes bibliographies of writings by and about Emerson and links to digital texts.

Digital Texts | The Ralph Waldo Emerson Society
Various interpretive sites are available: Eugene Irey’s concordance to the 1903-1904 Centenary Edition of Emerson’s Works is available at the Concord Free Public Library page. The concordance to The Later Lectures of Ralph Waldo Emerson is found on our legacy site: here. The textual notes to The Lat…

Website of the Week (WoW) #180: African American Women Writers of 19th Century

Website of the Week (WoW) #180. African American Women Writers of the 19th Century Digitized copies of 52 works by19th-century black women writers, including poetry, fiction, autobiographies, social criticism, and economic and philosophical treatises….

Digitized copies of 52 works by 19th-century black women writers, including poetry, fiction, autobiographies, social criticism, and economic and philosophical treatises.

Website of the Week #180: LiTgloss

Website of the Week #180: LiTgloss.

“A collection of texts written in languages other than English. . . of literary, cultural, or historical interest to speakers of English….” The texts are made more accessible via expert semantic and syntactical annotation as well as supplementary materials regarding their literary, artistic, historical, and cultural contexts.

“A collection of texts written in languages other than English. . . of literary, cultural, or historical interest to speakers of English….”

The texts are made accessible via expert semantic and syntactical annotation as well as supplementary materials regarding their literary, artistic, historical, and cultural contexts.

Website of the Week #179: Tombouctou Manuscripts Project

Website of the Week #179: Tombouctou Manuscripts Project

Initially focused on the manuscript tradition of the ancient African city of Timbuctu, the project has since expanded to include writing traditions from throughout the continent.

Tombouctou Manuscripts Project
‫سجّل لاستعراض قاعدة بيانات المخطوطات الإفريقية المتوفرة على شبكة الإنترنت.‬

Initially focused on the manuscript tradition of the ancient African city of Timbuctu, the project has since expanded to include writing traditions from throughout the continent.

Tombouctou Manuscripts Project
‫سجّل لاستعراض قاعدة بيانات المخطوطات الإفريقية المتوفرة على شبكة الإنترنت.‬

Website of the Week (WoW) #175: Gallica

Website of the Week (WoW) #175: Gallica, the digital library of the Bibliothèque nationale de France.

Plusieurs millions de documents à portée de main
Plusieurs millions de documents consultables et téléchargeables gratuitement : livres, manuscrits, cartes et plans, estampes, photographies, affiches, revues, fascicules de presse et journaux, enregistrements sonores, partitions

The digital library of the Bibliothèque nationale de France.

Plusieurs millions de documents à portée de main
Plusieurs millions de documents consultables et téléchargeables gratuitement : livres, manuscrits, cartes et plans, estampes, photographies, affiches, revues, fascicules de presse et journaux, enregistrements sonores, partitions

Website of the Week (WoW) #166: Walden: A Fluid Text Edition

Website of the Week (WoW) #166: Walden: A Fluid Text Edition.

This electronic edition of Walden displays seven versions of Thoreau’s work identified in Ronald Clapper’s 1967 dissertation, The Development of Walden: A Genetic Text.

The fluid text edition enables readers to compare 6 early versions and a published edition, to identify insertions, deletions, and inferred text, to view notes and bibliographic information, and to report errors.

Walden: A Fluid Text Edition is hosted on the Digital Thoreau Web site, a collaboration among the State University of New York at Geneseo, the Thoreau Society, and the Walden Woods Project.

Walden: A Fluid Text Edition
Walden : A Fluid Text EditionGO TO PROJECTProject DescriptionRonald E. Clapper’s magisterial 1967 dissertation, The Development of Walden: A Genetic Text (UCLA, 1967), has long been an indispensabl…

This electronic edition of Walden displays seven versions of Thoreau’s work identified in Ronald Clapper’s 1967 dissertation, The Development of Walden: A Genetic Text.

The fluid text edition enables readers to compare 6 early versions and a published edition, to identify insertions, deletions, and inferred text, to view notes and bibliographic information, and to report errors.

Walden: A Fluid Text Edition is hosted on the Digital Thoreau Web site, a collaboration among the State University of New York at Geneseo, the Thoreau Society, and the Walden Woods Project.

Walden: A Fluid Text Edition

DH at Oxford

In this short video, Oxford University scholars speak on what this exciting field means to them and how the use of digital technology in the humanities is allowing whole new fields of research to emerge.The Digital Humanities in Oxford UniversitySpecia…

In this short video, Oxford University scholars speak on what this exciting field of digital humanities means to them and how the use of digital technology in the humanities is allowing whole new fields of research to emerge.

The Digital Humanities in Oxford University

Specialists in the digital humanities from across the University talk about what this exciting field means to them, and how the use of digital technology in …

Interview with literature professor Dennis Tenen

An interview with literature professor Dennis Tenen on what he’s doing with digital humanities at Columbia University.

Research | Columbia News
Dennis Tenen, an assistant professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia, has an unusual background for a humanities scholar. An émigré from the former Soviet state of Moldova, he has a doctorate in comparative literature from Harvard as well as a software design prize from his former…

An interview with literature professor Dennis Tenen on what he’s doing with digital humanities at Columbia University.

Research | Columbia News
Dennis Tenen, an assistant professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia, has an unusual background for a humanities scholar. An émigré from the former Soviet state of Moldova, he has a doctorate in comparative literature from Harvard as well as a software design prize from his former…