Video tutorial: Researching Rhetoric & Composition in the MLA Int’l Bib…

New tutorial: “Researching Rhetoric and Composition in the MLA International Bibliography”

Explains the range of topics encompassed by the word “rhetoric” and provides tips for searching on related subjects in the MLA International Bibliography.

Annotation Studio Case Study

Annotation Studio case study: Rachel Arteaga from the University of Washington talks about her lesson plan for collaborative online annotation of texts using the Annotation Studio Tool. Her class annotated a poem by Sherman Alexie to promote engagement with the text.

Rachel Arteaga & the Power of Collaboration
» Rachel Arteaga & the Power of Collaboration |

Annotation Studio case study: Rachel Arteaga from the University of Washington talks about her lesson plan for collaborative online annotation of texts using the Annotation Studio Tool. Her class annotated a poem by Sherman Alexie to promote engagement with the text.

Rachel Arteaga & the Power of Collaboration
» Rachel Arteaga & the Power of Collaboration |

No More Excuses

No more excuses. Ellen Goldberger who teaches law, leadership and conflict resolution at Mount Ida College examines the excuses faculty give as to why writing across the curriculum (WAC) is not their responsibility. Essay on why all faculty need to co…

No more excuses. Ellen Goldberger who teaches law, leadership and conflict resolution at Mount Ida College examines the excuses faculty give as to why writing across the curriculum (WAC) is not their responsibility.

Essay on why all faculty need to consider the teaching of writing their responsibility
Most of my faculty colleagues agree that Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC), in which the task of teaching writing is one assigned to all professors, not just those who teach English or composition, is an important academic concept.

Maybe It’s the Assignment

Deanna Mascle of Morehead State blogs on better assignments–and a helping of passion–leading to better student writing.Did you ever think it might be the assignment?metawriting.deannamascle.comRecently a joke has been working its way around the inter…

Deanna Mascle of Morehead State blogs on better assignments–and a helping of passion–leading to better student writing.

Did you ever think it might be the assignment?
Recently a joke has been working its way around the internet: If Everyone Still Wrote Like They Did in College. It is funny because it is so very true.

Website of the Week (WoW) #125: Writing across Boundaries

Website of the Week (WoW) #125: Writing across Boundaries This project is designed to help doctoral students in the social sciences write about their research in a way that is engaging, accurate, and analytically insightful. Personal reflections from …

Website of the Week (WoW) #125: Writing across Boundaries

This project is designed to help doctoral students in the social sciences write about their research in a way that is engaging, accurate, and analytically insightful. Personal reflections from scholars and short articles by postgraduate researchers provide guidance and inspiration in this site created collaboratively between the universities of Durham and Newcastle.

Writing across Boundaries
Writing on Writing is an initiative in which scholars who have made a significant contribution to the social sciences offer personal reflections on the process of writing.

Teaching Tuesday

Teaching Tuesday: Jonathan Kotchian reports on his year of using interactive fiction computer games in his multimodal composition classes.

Teaching Composition with Interactive Fiction – TECHStyle
Regular readers of TECHStyle may remember my mentioning, back in September, my plans to use interactive fiction (“IF”) computer games in my multimodal composition classes. After two semesters of teaching students to read, play, and write IF games, I can say that the experiment was mostly a success….

Teaching Tuesday: Jonathan Kotchian reports on his year of using interactive fiction computer games in his multimodal composition classes.

Teaching Composition with Interactive Fiction – TECHStyle
Regular readers of TECHStyle may remember my mentioning, back in September, my plans to use interactive fiction (“IF”) computer games in my multimodal composition classes. After two semesters of teaching students to read, play, and write IF games, I can say that the experiment was mostly a success….

Teaching Tuesday: Teaching Composition with Poetry…

Teaching Tuesday: Teaching Composition with Poetry Teaching poetry in writing classes helps students find their own authorial voice and encourages creative critical analysis.Teaching Poetry in Literature-Based Writing Cou…

Teaching Tuesday: Teaching Composition with Poetry

Teaching poetry in writing classes can help students find their own authorial voice and encourage creative critical analysis.

Teaching Poetry in Literature-Based Writing Courses – Order of Education

Teaching Tuesday: Just Wing It

Teaching Tuesday: Just Wing It Josh Boldt writes about having no plan for the final assignment in his freshman composition class.Teaching Without a Plan – Order of Educationwww.orderofeducation.comTeaching…

Teaching Tuesday: Just Wing It

Josh Boldt writes about having no plan for the final assignment in his freshman composition class.

Teaching Without a Plan – Order of Education
Teaching without a plan makes the classroom exciting and a little dangerous. In a good way.

Teaching Tuesday: Web Writing, an open access book

Teaching Tuesday: Web Writing, an open access book Why not submit an essay idea or proposal for this born-digital book on why and how the web should be integrated into the teaching of writing for the liberal arts? Sponsored by the …

Teaching Tuesday: Web Writing, an open access book

Why not submit an essay idea or proposal for this born-digital book on why and how the web should be integrated into the teaching of writing for the liberal arts? Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.

Web Writing: Why & How for Liberal Arts Teaching & Learning

Teaching Tuesday: XML in FYC

Teaching Tuesday

Trey Conatser of Ohio State talks about using the coding language XML in his first-year composition course. His goal is to “employ the shock value of discovering the XML format to lead students to think critically about the rhetorical situation from day one.”

Changing Medium, Transforming Composition | HASTAC
I recently gave a talk on a panel sponsored by the Digital Arts and Humanities Working Group at The Ohio State University regarding my XML-based composition class, and I thought it worthwhile to post the script here on HASTAC…

Teaching Tuesday

Trey Conatser of Ohio State talks about using the coding language XML in his first-year composition course. His goal is to “employ the shock value of discovering the XML format to lead students to think critically about the rhetorical situation from day one.”

Changing Medium, Transforming Composition | HASTAC
I recently gave a talk on a panel sponsored by the Digital Arts and Humanities Working Group at The Ohio State University regarding my XML-based composition class, and I thought it worthwhile to post the script here on HASTAC…