Guess who?

Guess who?
If you guessed it’s a self-portrait by Flannery O’Connor, you were right! Here are 19 more by famous–and artistic–authors.

The Fascinating Self-Portraits of 20 Famous Authors
They say writing is a form of self-expression — but it’s not the only one. And if we had to guess, we’d bet that many of our favorite authors have a little bit more going on in their heads than th…

Guess who?
If you guessed it’s a self-portrait by Flannery O’Connor, you were right! Here are 19 more by famous–and artistic–authors.

The Fascinating Self-Portraits of 20 Famous Authors
They say writing is a form of self-expression — but it’s not the only one. And if we had to guess, we’d bet that many of our favorite authors have a little bit more going on in their heads than th…

Teaching Tuesday: Business schools using literary classics

Teaching Tuesday: In India, leading business schools are using classics of literature to teach leadership.Literature goes to B-school: IIMs, top institutes using old classics to teach leadership – The Econoeconomictimes.indiatimes.comAt a time reading …

Teaching Tuesday: In India, leading business schools are using classics of literature to teach leadership.

Literature goes to B-school: IIMs, top institutes using old classics to teach leadership – The Econo
At a time reading old literary masterpieces is a waning practice, several top B-schools, are harking back to old classics to teach leadership.

Website of the Week (WoW) #88: Frankenstein: The Afterlife of Shelley and Frankenstein

Website of the Week (WoW) #88: This site from the New York Public Library explores the connections between Mary Shelley’s time and our own. And includes a bit about her rather well-known husband and their circle of friends.

Frankenstein: The Afterlife of Shelley and Frankenstein
What makes a monster? What is it like living on the margins of society? Is technology inherently good or bad? These questions guided Mary Shelley 200 years ago as she wrote her classic novel Frankenstein — they remain just as relevant today.

Website of the Week (WoW) #88: This site from the New York Public Library explores the connections between Mary Shelley’s time and our own. And includes a bit about her rather well-known husband and their circle of friends.

Frankenstein: The Afterlife of Shelley and Frankenstein
What makes a monster? What is it like living on the margins of society? Is technology inherently good or bad? These questions guided Mary Shelley 200 years ago as she wrote her classic novel Frankenstein — they remain just as relevant today.

Internet as folklore

Robert Glenn Howard from the University of Wisconsin studies informal use of the Internet from a folklore perspective. Here’s an interview he did with the Library of Congress’s blog “The Signal.”

Born Digital Folklore and the Vernacular Web: An Interview with Robert Glenn Howard | The Signal: Di

Robert Glenn Howard from the University of Wisconsin studies informal use of the Internet from a folklore perspective. Here’s an interview he did with the Library of Congress’s blog “The Signal.”

Born Digital Folklore and the Vernacular Web: An Interview with Robert Glenn Howard | The Signal: Di

Teaching Tuesday: A writing class of 90 students

Teaching Tuesday: Ever dream of teaching a writing class of 90 students? Or is that more of a nightmare? Either way, hear from Chris Fosen and Kim Jaxon of CSU, Chico about designing and teaching a jumbo-sized class in this podcast from the National Writing Project.

Not Your Grandmother’s Comp Class
Ever wonder what a writing class of 90 students would look like? Ever wonder why anyone would design such a thing?

Teaching Tuesday: Ever dream of teaching a writing class of 90 students? Or is that more of a nightmare? Either way, hear from Chris Fosen and Kim Jaxon of CSU, Chico about designing and teaching a jumbo-sized class in this podcast from the National Writing Project.

Not Your Grandmother’s Comp Class
Ever wonder what a writing class of 90 students would look like? Ever wonder why anyone would design such a thing?

Website of the Week (WoW) #87: Staging the Henrician Court

Website of the Week (WoW) #87: This project staged a production of the early-Tudor drama The Play of the Weather by John Heywood at the Great Hall of Hampton Court Palace. The website includes a film of the production along with research and resources …

Website of the Week (WoW) #87: This project staged a production of the early-Tudor drama The Play of the Weather by John Heywood at the Great Hall of Hampton Court Palace. The website includes a film of the production along with research and resources for learning more about the play and courtly space.

Staging the Henrician Court

Medieval Doodling

Doodling in books has been around since there were books. Here are some fun medieval doodles from artistically-inclined readers.

The Art of the Doodle
By Jenny Weston Manuscript doodles—the small sketches often found in the margins of manuscripts—are always a welcome treat when looking through a medieval book.

Doodling in books has been around since there were books. Here are some fun medieval doodles from artistically-inclined readers.

The Art of the Doodle
By Jenny Weston Manuscript doodles—the small sketches often found in the margins of manuscripts—are always a welcome treat when looking through a medieval book.

Deadline for applications for Field Bibliography Fellowships

HAIL FELLOW WELL MET… The next deadline for applications for the Field Bibliography Fellowships is April 1, 2013. Fellowships cover a three-year period, beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2016. The MLA seeks scholars of any level of senior…


The next deadline for applications for the Field Bibliography Fellowships is April 1, 2013.

Fellowships cover a three-year period, beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2016. The MLA seeks scholars of any level of seniority interested in training as field bibliography fellows and able to deliver at least 100 citations each year. This opportunity is open to potential as well as existing field bibliographers. The MLA will provide materials and training meetings at the annual convention. Fellows attending training sessions will have their conference registration fees waived. On completion of the fellowship, they will receive a stipend of $500 and a certificate at the Award Ceremony at the MLA Convention. It is hoped that recipients of these fellowships will continue submitting citations throughout their careers.

More information regarding the application process may be found by following the link below:

MLA Bibliography Fellowships
MLA Bibliography Fellowships In 2003, the Executive Council approved a request by the Advisory Committee on the MLA International Bibliography for the creation of MLA Bibliography fellowships.

Teaching Tuesday: Steampunk in FYC

Teaching Tuesday: Kathryn Crowther blogs on using Steampunk with her first-year composition class of engineers and pogrammers at Georgia Tech.Punking the Victorians, Punking Pedagogy: Steampunk and Creative Assignments in the Composition…

Teaching Tuesday: Kathryn Crowther blogs on using Steampunk with her first-year composition class of engineers and pogrammers at Georgia Tech.

Punking the Victorians, Punking Pedagogy: Steampunk and Creative Assignments in the Composition Cla
As a Victorianist teaching primarily first-year English, I have to look for creative ways to bring my 19th-century interests into the classroom.