Website of the Week (WoW) #200: I Remain: A Digital Archive of Letters, Manuscripts, and Ephemera

Digitized materials from Lehigh University Special Collections include items from the 15th through the 20th century, among them handbills, scrapbooks, contracts, deeds, manuscripts of literary works, and correspondence from major American and European writers, statesmen, philosophers, and scientists.

Each item is accompanied by a detailed annotation. The collection can be browsed by topic or author and searched by keyword, date, and document type. The majority of documents date from the 18th century forward. Some course assignments, transcriptions and translations are also featured.

Website of the Week (WoW) #199: The Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature (RA): Hebrew Authors

Institute publishes and promotes translations of works of Hebrew literature into other languages.

The website includes a general directory of 450 Hebrew authors, both classic and contemporary; synopses of titles represented by ITHL; and information on recent ITHL publications

Window into Germany’s library system

English-language version of “Bibliotheksportal,” a cooperative information service of Germany’s Network of Excellence for Libraries (KNB) that provides insight into the country’s library system.

Bibliotheksportal: English
Information about the Network of Excellence for Libraries and in particular about the Library Portal.

English-language version of “Bibliotheksportal,” a cooperative information service of Germany’s Network of Excellence for Libraries (KNB) that provides insight into the country’s library system.

Website of the Week (WoW) #198: Badilisha Poetry X-Change

198 Website of the Week (WoW) #198: Badilisha Poetry X-Change

Audio archive showcases the work of more than 350 Pan-African poets from 24 different countries. Browse by name, country, language, theme, emotion. Includes brief biographies and many translations.

Badilisha Poetry – Pan-African Poets | Spotlighting Pan-African Poetry
Badilisha Poetry X-Change is both an online audio archive and Pan-African poetry show delivered in radio format. Now the largest online collective of African poets on the planet, Badilisha has showcased and archived over 350 Pan-African poets from 24 different countries. It reflects the myriad of rh…

Audio archive showcases the work of more than 350 Pan-African poets from 24 different countries. Browse by name, country, language, theme, emotion. Includes brief biographies and many translations.

MLA International Bibliography Launches ORCID App

MLA International Bibliography Launches ORCID App

MLA BibLink allows you to search the MLA Bibliography for your publications, including works you’ve published under variant names, and in one click link them to your ORCID identifier to create a digital record of your scholarship.

MLA BibLink allows you to search the MLA Bibliography for your publications, including works you’ve published under variant names, and in one click link them to your ORCID identifier to create a digital record of your scholarship.

Website of the Week (WoW) #197: Academia Mexicana de la Lengua

Website of the Week (WoW) #197: Academia Mexicana de la Lengua.

Includes dictionaries and other reference works, audio and video interviews, a news feed, and access to the alpha version of CorDiAm (Corpus Diacrónico y Diatópico del Español de América), an online archive of transcriptions and critical editions of materials written in the Americas during the 15th to the 19th centuries..

Academia Mexicana de la Lengua
Este sitio web se encuentra en su versión “beta” , por lo que puede presentar erratas o funcionamientos erróneos. Agradeceremos sus comentarios, sugerencias y reportes en el siguiente formulario.

Includes dictionaries and other reference works, audio and video interviews, a news feed, and access to the alpha version of CorDiAm (Corpus Diacrónico y Diatópico del Español de América), an online archive of transcriptions and critical editions of materials written in the Americas during the 15th to the 19th centuries.

MLA International Bibliography video tutorials library continues to grow

The MLA International Bibliography video tutorials library continues to grow. Visit our YouTube channel to find a general introduction to the bibliography, an introduction to the associated Directory of Periodicals, videos about searching in particular…

The MLA International Bibliography video tutorials library continues to grow. Visit our YouTube channel to find a general introduction to the bibliography, an introduction to the associated Directory of Periodicals, videos about searching in particular subject areas, and search tips specific to different vendor platforms.

The introductory tutorial is available in Spanish, Portuguese and Italian in addition to English.

MLA International Bibliography Tutorials
The MLA International Bibliography is pleased to announce the launch of a new video tutorial series on searching the bibliography. New tutorials will be rele…

Website of the Week (WoW) #196: glbtq: The Online Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Culture

Website of the Week (WoW) #196: glbtq: The Online Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Culture

Web site devoted to GLBTQ education and culture includes a comprehensive encyclopedia of glbtq culture, discussion boards, and other features.

glbtq: the world’s largest encyclopedia of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer culture
Congratulations to activist and political operative David Mixner. His one-man play, Oh Hell No!, earned a warm audience response in New York in October 2014 and is to open on June 11, 2015 in Los Angeles. In addition, on May 31, 2015, Mixner was awarded an honorary Doctor of Public Service by Washin…

Web site devoted to GLBTQ education and culture includes a comprehensive encyclopedia of glbtq culture, discussion boards, and other features.

The MLA International Bibliography’s first Spanish-language tutorial

The MLA International Bibliography announces its first Spanish-language tutorial in our series on searching the bibliography: “¿Qué es la MLA International Bibliography?” (“What Is the MLA International Bibliography?”)

MLA International Bibliography tutorials help students, scholars and librarians learn how the Bibliography can facilitate their research or other work. The introductory tutorial is now available in Portuguese and Italian in addition to Spanish and English.

Please feel free to link to our tutorials or embed them in a syllabus or LibGuide. Happy searching!

Find our search tutorial playlist on YouTube at
OR on our MLA Commons blog at
OR on the MLA website at

This is the official YouTube channel of the Modern Language Association (MLA). With nearly 30,000 members all over the world, the MLA works to promote the st…

The MLA International Bibliography announces its first Spanish-language tutorial in our series on searching the bibliography: “¿Qué es la MLA International Bibliography?” (“What Is the MLA International Bibliography?”)

MLA International Bibliography tutorials help students, scholars and librarians learn how the Bibliography can facilitate their research or other work. The introductory tutorial is now available in Portuguese and Italian in addition to Spanish and English.

Please feel free to link to our tutorials or embed them in a syllabus or LibGuide. Happy searching!

Find our search tutorial playlist on YouTube at
OR on our MLA Commons blog at
OR on the MLA website at

195. Website of the Week (WoW) #195: The Map of Early Modern London

195. Website of the Week (WoW) #195: The Map of Early Modern London

“[C]omprised of four distinct, interoperable projects: a digital edition of the 1561 Agas woodcut map of London; an Encyclopedia and Descriptive Gazetteer of London people, places, topics, and terms; a Library of marked-up texts rich in London toponyms; and a versioned edition of John Stow’s Survey of London.”

MoEML: The Map of Early Modern London
The Map of Early Modern London comprises four distinct, interoperable projects. MoEML began in 1999 as a digital atlas of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century London based on the 1560s Agas woodcut map of the city. MoEML now includes an encyclopedia of early modern London people and places, a library…

“[C]omprised of four distinct, interoperable projects: a digital edition of the 1561 Agas woodcut map of London; an Encyclopedia and Descriptive Gazetteer of London people, places, topics, and terms; a Library of marked-up texts rich in London toponyms; and a versioned edition of John Stow’s Survey of London.”