Teaching Tuesday

Teaching Tuesday: If you’re assigning research papers to your students on literature, film, folklore, or language, remember the MLA Bibliography is creating tutorials on how to search our database. We’ve made three so far: “What Is the MLA International Bibliography?”, “Names as Subjects in the MLA International Bibliography on EBSCO” and “on ProQuest” … plus we’ll have two more for you this fall. If you don’t want to miss a single tutorial, you can subscribe to them on our YouTube Channel. And, as always, we’ll announce them on Facebook.

MLA International Bibliography Tutorials
The MLA International Bibliography is pleased to announce the launch of a new video tutorial series on searching the bibliography.

Teaching Tuesday: If you’re assigning research papers to your students on literature, film, folklore, or language, remember the MLA Bibliography is creating tutorials on how to search our database. We’ve made three so far: “What Is the MLA International Bibliography?”, “Names as Subjects in the MLA International Bibliography on EBSCO” and “on ProQuest” … plus we’ll have two more for you this fall. If you don’t want to miss a single tutorial, you can subscribe to them on our YouTube Channel. And, as always, we’ll announce them on our blog.

MLA International Bibliography Tutorials
The MLA International Bibliography is pleased to announce the launch of a new video tutorial series on searching the bibliography.